Technology for Children.


If you’re a Parent, Grandparent, Guardian or Nanny than you know how anxious kids are. You know that kids tend to do things around the house that will get on our last nerve, for example; opening the pancake mix all over the floor, sit in it, laugh as you’re cleaning it up and jump around making it ten times harder to clean up the mess! If this hasn’t happened to you than either you’re busy engaging your child with other activities or your child is glued to some kind of device. (Tv, iPad, iPhone, computer, tablet etc.)

I feel that 45% of the world is getting parenting wrong, because in this generation all parents seem to do anymore is throw a device in the child’s face and let them learn from applications. Kids want to have fun, they want to explore. If you’re handing your child a device there are serious consequences, and the earlier that they start, the worse it gets.

Did you know?

1) The light on many screens can cause damage to your child’s eyes?

2) your child’s attention span will decrease up to 0.6% after using technology for a total of 72 hours. (Now that may not seem like a lot but if you add the total hours of one on a device, by the time they hit 15 they will be brainwashed!)

3) Obesity is real and if your child is engaged in nothing but technology they will eventually lose all interest in outdoor activities leading to over weight and obesity by early teen years.

Take action now.
Kids follow your footsteps.

*Limit yours and your child’s daily exposure from all tablets, computers, phones and TV’s.

* Provide fun activities for your family to keep their mind off of technology for a while: have a family game night, play hide-and-go-seek, or go out for a walk to explore the community.

* Instead of using eBooks & apps on the tablet – head to the library for real books or audio books for the car ride home. (If you don’t drive. Play them at home while your child plays. They may not seem to pay attention but they most certainly hear it.)

Your kids are the future. Set a good example and put the electronics aside, the world did once live without them.

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